At CPO we provide a wide range of Posters, Banners, Flyers and Invitations in all kinds of designs, styles and themes; from Christmas, Easter, Harvest to Welcome and Scriptures. Many of our designs are available to be customised, allowing you the ability to add your own wording and images and content.



Go big and be bold! Banners are often viewed for a brief moment by passers-by, so it's important to keep your details short, clear and memorable. Perhaps a service title and time, or a key message. Do include your website address, as many will want to look your Church up before venturing in. Just www. will do, or even lose the www. if your website allows. Avoid including http:// or similar as this usually isn't necessary these days and can detract from the look of your layout. Small text won't be seen at distance and viewers may not be able to get closer to read if travelling in a car or other transportation.

QR code
These days new visitors are far more likely to need to know more about you and your church before stepping inside for the first time. Make it easier for them to find out more details - consider adding a QR code image linking directly to your website or a specific event page. Our new Customisation Tool allows you to upload your own images - try a free QR code generator ( or and upload the a generated image file.

Further to this, if you haven't already, setup a "New to <your church name>" dedicated page on your website and tell new people all about what you do and offer in a friendly and relaxed way.

Consider the positioning of your banner.
- Is it located in a prime place to be seen?
- Is the main view obscured by trees, buildings or other offending items?

If your banner is to be positioned on railings or an exposed fence we would recommend you consider opting for a Mesh banner material, which features tiny perforations in the material to prevent the banner becoming a sail and causing potential damage to surrounding areas or the banner itself.

Please be aware that ALL banners are only temporary signage and we cannot be held responsible for any fitting or installation issues. As with all temporary signage they should be taken down in winds exceeding 30mph.


Much like banners, keeping details big and clear is also key for posters. They are usually viewed at a closer range to banners and often positioned in easier viewing locations; near entrances or doors, noticeboards etc., so you can afford a little more detail and information in these circumstances.

Still keep the Service or Event details clear to read. include key date(s), time(s) and any relevant contact information. Add a QR code, similarly as mentioned above.

Brand with your church logo for greater continuity and cohesion.

Combined banner & poster approach

In some circumstances, combining a banner and poster as part of your display can generate a clearer message. Provide a "hook" with a big, bold, simple banner, then follow with a poster using the same design style or theme near the entrance to detail dates, times and a little more information.

Don't forget to add your church logo to all the items - this will tie all the elements together, making it clearer to the visitor this is all part of the same church or community.

Flyers and Invitations

Take your publicity to the next level with a flyer or invitation, putting this in the hands of your prospective visitors. Use the space to provide the most details about your services or event, but try not to overload things too much - allow your website to be the place to "find out more". Sometimes too much information can be overwhelming and a "turn-off".

Again, sticking with the same design or theme throughout your publicity will provide a consistent look that provides a sense recognisable comfort and belonging.

Easter designs