What gets you out of bed in the morning? Apart from a wide-awake toddler or a dog that needs walking, that is. For many of us, it’s the need to earn a living, in order to pay the bills and provide for our family or ourselves. If we’re blessed enough to do work we enjoy and find fulfilling, all the better. For Christians, each day is a gift from God thanks to the hope we have in Jesus. The events of Easter provide those who follow Jesus with forgiveness for the past, God’s help and guidance in the present, and the promise of a bright future with Him. All of us long for relationships full of love and for the ability to look forward to each day with real hope. The Christian gospel is all about the love of God for us, and the hope he holds out to us in Jesus. So why not drop into a church near you this Easter and find out why life, love and hope begins at the Cross? You’ll also find out much more about the Christian faith at christianity.org.uk