Palm Crosses & Easter Story Cards (Pack of 50)

Palm Crosses & Easter Story Cards (Pack of 50)

Palm Cross & Easter Story Card (Single)

Palm Cross & Easter Story Card (Single)

Individual Palm Cross


Palm crosses are used to celebrate Christ's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Churches all over the world hand out palm crosses as they remember the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As the story of Jesus travelling on a donkey into Jerusalem is recalled, the use of the palm cross is a symbol of the palm branches laid across the road by the gathered crowd. By buying African palm crosses you will be giving extra work to people whose only other source of income is the sale of cashew nuts. Any money they earn from palm crosses is used for vital household necessities - clothes for the parents and their children, salt, soap and medical treatment.

Each cross measures approximately 26cm x 15cm. Also available in Packs of 50.

Availability: In stock
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Quantity Price per item
5-9 £1.20
10-19 £0.85
20-39 £0.65
40+ £0.57

These palm crosses are made in Masasi, a very poor area of Southern Tanzania. Plaiting the crosses gives very poor people a chance to earn some money. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday before Easter and signifies the start of Holy Week in the Church calendar. Churches all over the world hand out palm crosses as they remember the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As the story of Jesus travelling on a donkey into Jerusalem is recalled, the use of the palm cross is a symbol of the palm branches laid across the road by the gathered crowd.    By buying African palm crosses you will be giving extra work to people whose only other source of income is the sale of cashew nuts. Any money they earn from palm crosses is used for vital household necessities - clothes for the parents and their children, salt, soap and medical treatment.

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Custom product type: Misc
Prod no: Z529
Width (mm): 150
Height (mm): 260


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