Summer Life - Message Poster

Summer Life - Message Poster

Summer Life - Customisable Landscape Publicity Poster

Summer Life - Customisable Landscape Publicity Poster

Summer Life - Tract (Pack of 50)

Find life in its fullness this summer
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4-9 £7.30
10+ £6.20

‘Freedom for hostages’, ‘press freedom under threat’, ‘free at last – how I finally stopped smoking’… we all love a freedom story.

There is something exciting, liberating, exhilarating about freedom.  Whether it’s the release of those imprisoned unjustly, the opportunity for those living under a repressive regime to speak their minds, or just the first day of your holiday, we all revel in having freedom.

We want to be in charge of our own lives, able to express our opinions freely and to make choices about the things we want to do,

But the reality is that for many of us, true freedom seems frustratingly out of reach.  We’d like to be in control, but too often we feel out of control.  We’d love to be free, but too often we feel imprisoned.

Harmful addictions and patterns of behaviour can ruin our relationships, and wreck our lives.  The Bible calls these ‘sin’ = doing, saying or thinking things that go against God’s plan for living, or just not doing things we should be doing.

The Apostle Paul experienced that same struggles we encounter: “No matter which way I turn, I can’t make myself do right.  I want to, but I can’t.  When I want to do good, I don’t.  And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway” (Romans 7:18b-19. New Living Translation)

The good news is that Jesus came to rescue us from the hold of sin – to give us a fresh start, and the life of freedom we were designed for.  As he proclaims in Luke’s gospel (4:18) “(God) has sent me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners…”

His death on the cross, and resurrection three days later broke the power of sin over us, and enables us to break through to a life of freedom and joy.

“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Why not come to Jesus today, and start a new life of freedom?

More Information
Custom product type: Tracts
Prod no: C5301TR
Custom product no: C5301TROP
Product size: A6
Width (mm): 105
Height (mm): 148
Product option: Paper
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